Transactions on this site do not qualify as purchases from American Airlines for purposes of earning bonus miles.

Car deals that drive savings

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Save more

Enjoy the road with savings and earnings by renting with Avis and Budget

Free cancellation

Stay flexible with free cancellation on many car rental offers

Award-winning support

24/7 customer support that's here to help you

Travel more, discover more

Check out our latest deals and offers

Everyday ways to earn

Enjoy more ways to earn rewards through the AAdvantage® program, then design your preferred travel experience by choosing rewards that matter most to you.

Learn how to earn

Use miles for travel, experiences and more

Use your AAdvantage® miles to book a flight, find a hotel or find a vacation package. If you're staying home, find tickets to a special event.

Learn ways to use miles
Avis Budget Logo

Rent a car anytime, anywhere

Unlock the world. We believe that car rental is about more than the destination, it's about the journey, the magical memories you can make and the cars you explore it in with Avis and Budget.

Locations worldwide

Travel is better as an AAdvantage® member

Reach AAdvantage® status faster when you earn Loyalty Points on car rentals. Join the AAdvantage® program for free today.

Join for free
American Airlines

AAdvantage Gold® status

Begin to take your travel to a higher level with added benefits.

Earn 40% more miles and Loyalty Points on eligible flights
Earn 4X miles and Loyalty Points with Avis and Budget
Priority check-in, security and Group 4 boarding on American Airlines
American Airlines

AAdvantage Platinum® status

Take your travel experiences to an even higher level.

Earn 60% more miles and Loyalty Points on eligible flights
Earn 4X miles and Loyalty Points with Avis and Budget
Priority check-in, security and Group 3 boarding on American Airlines
American Airlines

AAdvantage Platinum Pro® status

Adds special comfort and convenience to enhance your life in flight.

Earn 80% more miles and Loyalty Points on eligible flights
Earn 5X miles and Loyalty Points with Avis and Budget
Priority check-in, security and Group 2 boarding on American Airlines
American Airlines

AAdvantage Executive Platinum® status

Offers the highest level of travel comfort and flexibility.

Earn 120% more miles and Loyalty Points on eligible flights
Earn 5X miles and Loyalty Points with Avis and Budget
Priority check-in, security and Group 1 boarding on American Airlines

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